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The MinusFifteen Project

We're working to reduce Lahore's temperature by 15' F over the next decade. We can't do this without community participation, so we want you to join us in making Lahore more pleasant for all its inhabitants.

What we are asking of you:

  1. Help installing and run temperature sensors
  2. Help us develop the backend IoT data collection platform and various reporting applications. 
  3.  Volunteers to plant trees or create a green rooftop.
  4.  Lobby your employer in Lahore and have them contribute.
What we're contributing:

  1. Funds to build the data collection and monitoring platform
  2. 1000 internet connected temp sensors
  3. Funds to plant 10 trial green spaces - we want to extend this to 100s once we can work through the kinks
  4. Funds to paint 100 rooftops white and measure the before/after impact. We need to work with communities to obtain access and do the work. If this works, we will extend this funding to 1000+
  5. Global academic connectivity; we will use our network of research relationships to bring the best minds to bear on this problem and help get feedback to make our shared goal a reality.
Zaib and Amir Husain

Join us!